Why Mobeyond can make the difference for you as a leasing company?
Do more with less

We have 4 platforms that cover all collaboration with your suppliers, and which can be fully integrated in your back-end systems so you don’t loose time.  Consider us as your gatekeeper when it comes to dealing with your suppliers: we guarantee undisputable agreements in line with market prices, taking into consideration your commercial discounts.

We have more than 20 years of experience. Over 10 million transactions pass yearly through our systems. We know what you expect and work hard every day to make our systems even more efficient.

RCI Financial ServicesDirectLeaseBelfius Auto LeaseLeasysKBC Autolease
Grow your fleet

We believe in the power of digitalisation and automation of your processes when it comes to collaborating with your Suppliers. Our platforms centralise and optimse this collaboration for you, which allows unlimited growth of your fleet - whether leased, rented or owned – without significantly increasing your operational costs.  Use us to integrate your eco-system for further efficiency.

Connected platforms
More than 40%

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Mobiorder is a platform created to facilitate the ordering, registering and delivering of vehicles. Mobiorder saves all information in one overview so you can easily keep track of the process timeline.
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Mobitech is a platform created to facilitate the maintenance, repair and tyre changes of vehicles. Mobitech offers you a direct communication channel with your partners, so facilitate these processes.
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Mobipay is a platform created to keep track of Mobiorder and Mobitech invoices. Once your Mobi process is done, the (work) order is automatically sent to Mobipay and invoiced. Efficiency in one click!
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Mobifines is a platform created to handle incoming traffic fines. Whether the car is a leasing vehicle or of your own fleet, Mobifines helps you protest fines and redirect them to the usual vehicle driver.
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